Thinking about the future of the human race and what’s going on in the world today, secondary smoke is a real issue for me.
Tijdens een optreden bij RAW in Zweden over de onderwerpen waarover de maatschappij zich druk maakt terwijl overheden zich ondertussen schuldig maken aan oorlogsmisdaden.
Thinking about the future of the human race and what’s going on in the world today, secondary smoke is a real issue for me. I’m not particularly worried about the fact that recently the two most powerful nations illegally invaded a Middle East country under false pretences so that they could steal their natural resources and implement permanent military bases to start more theaters of conflict so that they could implement a third world war to create a planetary fascist police state. It’s secondary smoke that’s a real problem for me. Because sometimes when you go out, then your clothes get smelly. And then you have to wash them when you get back. That’s a real chore for my existence. I’m not worried about the World Bank and the IMF go into third world countries, put them into unfathomable debt so that they can steal their natural resources, destroy their culture and implement them into the global banking system. It’s secondary smoke. It’s everywhere and, you know, I didn’t choose to smoke. I could be affected. Really? There’s people from Chernobyl still alive for fucks sake.